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Farm Buiness Arrangements
When Bill and Charlie first began operation of the farm, the business of the farm was handled as a simple partnership.  As their families grew, they saw advantages to incorporating the family farm.  Maple Farms, Inc. became the umbrella under which all of the farm production was run for more than 40 years to come.  Then, in the mid-1990’s, as Tom, Mark and Scott began to take on renting more ground on their own, the need became apparent for a second entity.  The partnership that resulted was given the name TMS Farms. 


In 1998, TMS Farms decided to purchase a tile ditching machine in order to take care of the drainage needs on the ground they operated as well as do custom work for others in the area.  It was decided then that this part of the business should be a separate enterprise which was given the name Maple Drainage, LLC. 

As the fourth generation of Maple’s became more involved with the operation, they also formed a partnership to rent and operate land.  They named the partnership Maple Agricultural Enterprises or Maple Age for short.
Rental Agreements
   Maple Farms, Inc. operates under a variety of lease arrangements in order to cater to the desires of their various landowners.  These range from cash rent to custom farming depending on the amount of involvement and risk the owner is interested in taking on.
Cash Rent Agreement
   With a straight Cash Rent Lease, the landowner is paid a flat amount annually for the use of their land.
Flex Rent Agreement
   With a Flex Rent, the landowner is paid a rate that is slightly less than the normal cash rent rate and then they are paid a bonus at the end of the season.  The bonus is based on the yield on their farm and the price of the commodity grown.
Share Lease Agreement
   In a Share Lease, the landowner pays for a portion of the inputs (usually 50%) and then receives a comparable portion of the crop which they can market on their own.  This allows the owner to take full advantage of high yields and prices without the burden of the machinery or labor demands.
Custom Farming
   We offer many options for custom farming please see our services page for more info.
One Business, Many Entities

Maple Farms Inc.

   This is the umbrella that all of the rest of the entities work under.

Maple Drainage LLC.

   This is the result of Tom, Mark, and Scott wanting to venture out into the world of ditching. 



TMS Farms

   This Partnership was started by Mark, Tom, and Scott to rent ground of their own.  They formed this in the mid 90's and still use this to rent their ground

Maple Age

   This is the partnership between the 4th generation of Maples.  They put this partnership together in 2006 and are renting their own ground now. 
Maple Farms Inc.
3924 South 250 East
Kokomo, IN 46902